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Sacramento Parks Foundation Inclusive Playground Community Meeting- Sac Parks Foundation 7.13.19

Press Release

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Today’s Date:                       July 3, 2019

Release Date:                       Immediate

Copy Good Through:          July 13, 2019

Contact:                                 Mike Grace, (916) 927-3802 ext. 118                                                                                


What:         Party at the Proposed Inclusive Playground Park Site

Where:       940 Bell Street, Sacramento, 95825

                   (Corner of Bell Street and Irma Way.)

When:        Saturday July 13, 2019 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Why:          Sacramento Parks Foundation and O’Dell Engineering will be unveiling their design for the first Inclusive playground in Arden Arcade.

Details:      The Sacramento Parks Foundation, a consortium of four park Districts located in Arden Arcade, has engaged O’Dell Engineering, to develop plans for the first All Inclusive Playground in Arden Arcade.  A series of 3 meetings have been held to receive input from the community to help develop the proposed park on 1.3 acres of land located at 940 Bell Street.  This land is being donated for use as an inclusive play park by the Sacramento Municipal Utilities District as part of their Community Shine Grant Program.  The Shine Grant is a community development program designed to improve and revitalize neighborhoods in the Sacramento region. 

This interactive event will showcase the proposed park development by laying out the site with elements representing specific features of the inclusive play areas.  Many of these representations will be in the form of games for children to play during the event.

The Sacramento Suburban Kiwanis Club will be helping serve hotdogs, chips and water to the first 200 people who come to see the park design.

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