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Park Ordinances

Mission Oaks Parks are open at Sunrise and close at Sunset daily.

School Parks maintained by MORPD, if requested by the San Juan Unified School District, may be closed for public use during times when school is in session.

Community Park hours will be from sunrise until 10 pm (midnight (12 am), if pre-approved). 

For any park policies MORPD does not have in place all Sacramento County Park Policies take precedence,  click to read Sacramento County Park Ordinances


Current Mission Oaks Park Rules:

Reservations Revised
Parks and picnic facilities are available at no cost, on a first come, first served basis to the general public, with the following exceptions:
A. Picnic areas may be reserved at the following Parks:
Mission North Park
Gibbons Park
Swanston Park
Ashton Park

To reserve a picnic area, complete a MORPD Picnic Area Application and submit it to the District. Payment is due upon approval. District. Payment is due upon approval.
Reservations are available April through October. Picnic areas may be reserved up to one year in advance for public or private use. A minimum of seven (7) business days prior to the reservation date is required to process the request. Hours of operation are listed above.


Athletic Fields
Due to the demand for soccer, baseball, and softball fields, and realizing that organized activities cause an abnormal amount of wear and tear, the District has established the reservation and fee policy for the athletic fields listed below to help offset their maintenance costs.

Ashton Park Soccer field
Valley Oak Park Ball diamonds (3); Soccer field
Eastern Oak Park Soccer field
Greer School Park Soccer field; Ball diamonds (2)

1. Reservations will be accepted up to one year in advance of the
date reserved in accordance with the scheduling priorities shown below.
2. A Fee will be assessed, based on a schedule approved by the Board.
3. A season is defined as a period not to exceed five months.
4. Scheduling Priorities
The following schedule of priorities for use of parks shall apply, except for school parks in which the school district-sponsored activities have first priority.
a. District sponsored and co-sponsored programs and activities.
b. San Juan Unified School District
c. Non-profit community youth serving organizations
1) Organizations and groups that have received approval for prior use
2) Organizations requesting use for the first time
d. Non-profit community adult and senior adult serving organizations
1) Organizations that have received approval for prior use
2) Organizations requesting use for the first time
e. All other uses
5. Application Procedure
a. All requests must be submitted using the “Athletic Field Reservation Application” form.
b. Applicants will be accepted on a first come, first served basis, according to the priority listing.
c. Fees are due and payable no later than two weeks prior to the requested use.
d. The District’s risk management administrator mandates that renters be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance with an endorsement naming the District as additionally insured, for the activity/event scheduled. Insurance may be obtained through a private agency or purchased from the District.


Tennis Courts
Courts will be reserved only to facilitate District-sponsored or co-sponsored lessons or events. Courts will not be reserved or used by any agency or person for the purpose of paid private lessons.


Commercial or private entities may not use public facilities for financial gain.


Organized Youth Sports at Valley Oak Park
1. Little League will be permitted to schedule use of the ball fields on Monday through Saturday from 8am-dusk, and on Sunday afternoons between noon and 6pm during the regularly scheduled season. The ball fields are not available for reservation to any group on Sunday mornings.
2. Amplification sound policy governs the use of amplified sound by individuals and groups at all athletic fields managed by Mission Oaks Recreation and Park District (MORPD) and is subject to the provisions in Sacramento County Code 9.36.072. It is noted that Sacramento County Code 6.68.090 exempts certain activities conducted in publicly owned parks; however the policies adopted by MORPD are intended to minimize the impacts associated with the use of Parks and Facilities by other groups.
This policy applies to all individuals and groups who have submitted and been approved for use of an Athletic Field with MORPD. This policy does not apply to MORPD events or activities.
a. Subject to Sacramento County Code 9.36.072 all groups or individuals who desire to use amplified sound are required to obtain an approved application from MORPD.
b. Permits shall be issued to individuals or groups subject to the following limitations.
1. Speakers shall be directed away from residential areas to the extent possible.
2. Volume shall be set at a level to minimize impacts to the surrounding community and the other users of the park or
3. Amplified sound shall not begin before 8am.
a. Any group who determines the need for amplified sound shall state the request with dates and times on the Athletic Field Use Application.
b. Request shall be evaluated by District staff. If approved by staff, the application days and times shall be posted on the MORPD website and a copy of the approved application and agreement shall be on site at all times during the event. (Note: The renter’s personal contact information will not be displayed.)
c. While not all scenarios for the use of amplified sound can be anticipated, MORPD staff shall consider the following items when reviewing the permit request:
• Other sound applications approved for the park or facility.
• Frequency of amplified sound at the park or facility.

• Length of time the amplified sound will occur.



A reward of up to $1,000 is offered to anyone reporting acts of vandalism, which leads to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons committing the act.


Park Fencing
The District shall not erect fences on park sites except for reasons of safety. If it is determined (by action of the Board) that a fence is to be erected, it shall meet all District specifications, including height, which will be determined for each specific project. No fencing, private or District-owned, shall be erected on property boundary.


Private Fencing
The District shall not share in the cost of constructing, maintaining, or replacing private fences bordering park property, except as provided below. The owner shall be responsible for all costs associated with fencing on private property adjacent to park property.
The District shall repair private fences that are damaged as a result of an accident occurring on park property (i.e., a tree on park property falling on a fence or park maintenance equipment damaging a fence).
If the District is found to be responsible for damage to a privately owned fence, and is obligated to repair or replace a fence, the District shall require the private land owner(s) to execute an agreement with the District to the effect that:
A. The fence shall be constructed according to District specifications, using materials similar to the original, if possible;
B. The maintenance responsibility rests with the private property owner;
C. The owners shall indemnify the District for any injuries or damage arising from the construction of the fence or the maintenance thereof; and
D. The obligation to locate the fence on private property and the maintenance of it would be a covenant running with the private property for the benefit of the District’s contiguous property.
The District shall encourage property owners who erect wooden fences to locate the rail frame to face the owner’s side of the boundary as a security measure to discourage park users from climbing the fence to gain access to private property.


The District shall not construct gates in fences owned by the District. Installation of gates in private fencing shall be at the discretion of the owner who shall assume total responsibility.

Naming of Parks 
The following criteria shall be used in the naming or renaming of District owned Parks, Park Facilities and specific areas within a Park. 

1. Reflect geographical location; the name of a park should, if possible, have topographical, geographical, or historical significance generally recognized and known throughout the area.
2. Reflect significant natural features or resources of the area.
3. Honor a significant individual (see below).
4. The intent of naming is for permanent recognition. Therefore, any request of MORPD to rename an existing park, park facility or specific area will be subject to examination to not diminish the original justification for the name.
Individuals must have made a significant contribution to the park or facility, including, but not limited to:
1. Donation of land or large financial contribution to the facility.
2. Contributed substantially and improved the quality of life in the MORPD community. This could relate to involvement with Parks and Recreation or other community involvement activities towards the betterment of life in the MORPD.
3. The person being memorialized died in the line of duty serving the MORPD or the United States of America.
Each park or facility within a park, such as an athletic field, groves of trees, walkways, trails and buildings, or special rooms in a building could be named after selected individuals in their honor as desired and appropriate.
The person and/or entity requesting to “re-name” a District owned Park or Facility is responsible to pay all expenses associated with replacing the existing park or facility sign.

The following procedures shall be considered in naming a park:
A. Assistance will be solicited from historical societies or other groups having special knowledge of the area when considering a name to highlight an area’s geographical or historical significance.
B. To stimulate interest in obtaining suggestions, the selection process may include a contest or some type to competition, inviting the public’s participation.
C. Names shall be submitted to an appropriate committee of the Board for selecting at least three choices (if practical) to be recommended to the Board for consideration of approval.
D. To avoid duplication and confusion, all proposed names selected by the committee should be checked against a master list of park names throughout the county, which is maintained by the county Department of Parks and Recreation.
E. Once the names have been checked and cleared against the master list, they will be submitted to the Board for consideration of approval.
F. Once a name has been approved, it shall be forwarded to the county Department of Parks and Recreation for inclusion in the master list.
G. The appropriate map publishers shall be notified so that the new name can be included on local area maps.


Alcoholic Beverages in District Parks

  • Consumption of alcoholic beverages is not allowed in District parks.
  • According to Sacramento County Ordinance, Section, "Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages", no person shall possess any can, bottle or other receptacle containing any alcoholic beverage which has been opened, or a seal broken, or the contents of which has been partially removed, in any area designated as a nature trail or nature area or on or within any park or park facility that has been posted with signs prohibiting such possession.
  • It shall be unlawful for any person under twenty-one years of age to be in possession of an alcoholic beverage while such person is in or upon any District owned or maintained facility. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this code to the contrary, violations of the provisions of this section shall constitute an infraction, and shall be punishable pursuant to the provisions of Government Code Section 25132.


Development of Parks
Development of District parks will take into consideration the following factors:
A. A thorough review and evaluation of each site in order to incorporate in the design any special characteristics; such as, plant or animal life, contours of the land, and any beautification or recreational additions made by the neighborhood.
B. Consideration of undeveloped areas at each site for gardening, free play for children, ecology area, etc.
C. There will be no fencing around parks unless there is a critical design or safety factor.
D. There will be no development of maintenance of substantial portions of any park for activities that involve limited memberships in particular organizations.

Park Maintenance
The District contracts for the majority of the maintenance of all parks and certain school/parks, in accordance with Chapter 13000 of this manual.

Donations and Memorials/Honorarium
The District accepts donations from groups and individuals for the enhancement of District facilities. Donations may be cash, material, or services.

Acceptance of Donations
The District reserves the right to approve the donated item, and the placement, method, and construction materials to be used. The District Administrator and division directors are authorized to accept any donations that are in the best interest of the District. The offer of a donation may be denied if the long term cost/benefit ratio to the District is determined to be unfavorable. All donations shall be acknowledged with a letter of appreciation.

Memorials and Honorariums (Updated 5/14/24)

Mission Oaks will accept donations toward the purchase and installation of memorial trees and/or memorial benches. Tree and bench location and types shall be chosen from the memorial tree plan.


Memorial trees:

·         Memorial trees shall be selected from the memorial tree plan provided by the MORPD Parks Superintendent.

·         Memorial trees shall be pruned in accordance with the Western Garden tree standards.

·         Memorial trees shall be guaranteed for a five-year period.

·         Memorial trees may be moved to a different location if the district deems it necessary.


Memorial bench:

·         Memorial benches shall be selected from the memorial tree plan provided by the MORPD Parks Superintendent.

·         All text must be approved by the MORPD Parks Superintendent in advance.

·         Memorial benches shall be guaranteed for a five-year period.

·         Memorial benches may be moved to a different location if the district deems it necessary.

·         Memorial benches shall be cleaned within a reasonable time by district staff if vandalized.



·         Memorial trees may be purchased for $250.

·         Memorial benches with plaque may be purchased for $3,000. Pricing may be subject to rising costs incurred by the district.

·         Monies generated by memorials shall be placed into the district’s general fund account.


Replacement of stolen or damaged memorial items:

Each tree and bench are guaranteed for five (5) years and will be replaced by Mission Oaks staff at no extra charge to the donor should the tree die, or the bench be stolen or damaged beyond repair within that period. It is understood once planted; the tree and/or bench is the exclusive property of the Mission Oaks Recreation and Park District.


Games and Miniature Aircraft

The playing of rough or comparatively dangerous games involving thrown, hit, or otherwise propelled objects, including, but not limited to golf balls, balls of other description, stones, arrows, javelins is prohibited except with express permission of the District Administrator or Designee, in areas compatible to said use.

The flying of model airplanes, model helicopters and drones is prohibited except with express permission of the District Administrator or Designee, in areas compatible to said use.


Motorized Vehicles

While within the boundaries of any district park facility, no person shall drive or operate any automobile, motorcycle, motor scooter, electric bicycle (class 1 or above), motorized bicycle, moped, dune buggy, golf cart, truck, or any other motorized vehicle on sidewalks or trails other than those designated for that purpose without permission from the District Administrator or Designee.

This policy does not pertain to any electric wheelchairs, mobility scooter, or power chairs used for mobility aide.


To Request Permission from the District Administrator, please email Daniel Barton at


Proposed Mission Oaks Park Rules: 

1. The District is also looking into a no-smoking in MORPD parks policy. This policy would have designated smoking sections in each park for patrons. 

To share comments on proposed rules, please email, Nicole Friedrich at

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