MINI TOUR- Isenberg Crane Reserve and Lunch in Lodi
Date: Monday November 18th, 2019
Time: 10am - 2:30pm
Cost: $20 Additional Cost: Money for lunch
Registration Deadline: Friday November 15th, 2019
Explanation of Trip: One of CDFW's objectives is to maintain ecological reserves and marine protected areas intended to conserve unique, fragile habitats, which can function to protect and restore rare and
threatened native species. The greater sandhill crane population has diminished in California to a point where they were listed as a threatened species in 1983. The Stockton delta wetlands (inclusive of the 353-acre Woodbridge Ecological Reserve) provide the largest area of freshwater marsh wintering habitat in the state, not only for sandhill cranes but for other waterfowl as well. Sandhill cranes, Canada geese, snow geese, tundra swans, and many other birds use the reserve as their fall and winter home. Local residential birds include the red-wing blackbirds, black-shouldered kite and American kestrel, ring-necked pheasant, meadowlarks and other small songbirds.