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Sierra Oaks Adult Tennis

May contain: racket, sport, tennis, tennis racket, ball, and tennis ball

Adult Beginner/Intermediate Tennis Classes

Beginner: Fundamental course for adults to enjoy a fun workout as they learn the tennis basics of serving, rallying, scorekeeping, amd , match play in a supportive environment to boost confidence. 

Intermediate: Group training for experienced players to refine skills and stay active. For those who can serve, rally, volley, and keep score. 

Ages: 18+


Sierra Oaks Park 

2762 Huntington Rd. 

Sacramento, CA 95864

Register Here!

Days: fridays


Beginners: 9am - 10am

Intermediate: 10am - 11:30am

Fee: Varies per month

For more info and questions call or text Devin: 916-678-2435 

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