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Start Smart

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The CHP's FREE Start Smart program is a driver safety education class that targets new and future licensed teenage drivers between the ages of 15 -19 and their parents/guardians. The classes are used to promote traffic safety to both parents and teens. We encourage both parents/caregivers and teens to attend the class. The Start Smart class will cover collision avoidance techniques, driver responsibility, collision trends, distracted driving laws, alcohol-related driving laws and the provisional license process. The program also offers an opportunity for new drivers and parents/guardians to ask CHP Officers clarifying questions.

⏱️Dates and Time: Every 3rd Tuesday

📍Location: Gibbons Community Center 4701 Gibbons Drive Carmichael, CA 95608

💰Fee:  Free Drop-in, Registration not required

👩‍🏫Instructor: CHP

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